Beers & Goals of 2023

2022 was a good year for brewing - I definitely got back into the swing of things and was able to brew a lot more beer than in 2021. While there was some dud beers (mostly due to oxidation..), the beers in general definitely improved in quality. I recognised that I branched out in styles as well, experimenting with different spices and yeasts. Of these, the Beglian White Ale (Witbier), Aussie Sparkling Ale and Mango Lassi sour were 3 notable beers that involved new ways of brewing with spices and different hop varietals. While I tend to stick to the same styles, I’m keen to branch out and try new things, mainly to keep things fresh and exciting. I’m also keen to try new methods, improve the efficiencies of my current process, and work on the limitations I’m currently facing.

In 2023, I have a few notable brewing improvements and styles I’m excited to try. In no given order, these are:

  • Using a counterflow chiller instead of the current immersion chiller to improve processes
  • Brewing a traditional Saison
  • Brewing a traditional West Coast IPA
  • Brewing some other fruited IPAs (grapefruit, blood orange etc.)
  • Brewing a Hazy IPA that last longer than 2 weeks..
  • Brewing a MoMo Smash (Mosaic, Marris Otter)
  • Brewing a Milk Coffee Stout in winter (lactose, cold brew)
  • Refining the Stone & Wood clone, improving on shelf life, colour and hop aroma
  • Going back to my roots and brewing a Fruited Kettle Sour, replacing the current Philly Sour yeast
  • Using a Tilt or Rapt Pill hydrometer to get better data readings from fermentation
  • Making better use of ascorbic acid and potassium/sodium metabisulfite to increase shelf life
  • Bottle some batches to give out to others

At the end of 2023, I’ll refer back to this post and reflect on the brews and progress made. Hopefully, it’s a good year for homebrewing! Cheers.

See also