Hazy Crusher (DDH Session NEIPA)

I think this is my 3rd time making this beer, and I’m making it again because I think it’s great hazy ale. In the past, I’ve had issues around oxidation for these hoppy and oaty beers, but now I’m at a comfortable place with controlling oxidation through use of preservatives and techniques like closed transfers. When I ordered this beer, I could only get a hold of golden oat malt, which I decided to use. Due to that, the beer ended up a bit darker than I had hoped, but the taste was actually pretty damn good.

I decided to bottle condition these beers so I could bring them to events. Unfortunately, I under-carbed a few of them by not adding enough priming sugar. With that said, the ones the did carbonate correctly came out great (there’s a photo at the bottom of the end result). I ended up using a bit of ascorbic acid and sodium metabisulfite during the second hop addition, and I think this helped a lot with minimising oxidation. I also purged all the bottles with cO2 by using a counterflow bottle filler.

Here is a link to the post I made when I first made this beer

Brewfather recipe

Link to recipe pack here .

Hazy Crusher (HDBS)

Luke Ryan


5.4% / 13.6 °P

All Grain

BrewZilla 35L - March 2020 - GASH (copy)

72% efficiency

Batch Volume: 23 L

Boil Time: 60 min

Mash Water: 20 L

Sparge Water: 15.47 L @ 76 °C

Total Water: 35.47 L

Boil Volume: 30.08 L

Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.050


Original Gravity: 1.055

Final Gravity: 1.014

IBU (Tinseth): 30

BU/GU: 0.54

Colour: 8.9 EBC 


Strike Temp — 73.8 °C

Temperature — 68 °C — 60 min

Malts (5.99 kg)

3.46 kg (57.8%) — Voyager Craft Malt PALE Compass — Grain — 5.5 EBC

1.15 kg (19.2%) — Gladfield Golden Oat Malt — Grain — 15 EBC

1.15 kg (19.2%) — Voyager Craft Malt WINTER WHEAT Janz — Grain — 5 EBC

230 g (3.8%) — Gladfield Malt Gladfield Sour Grapes Malt — Grain — 6 EBC

Hops (305 g)

5 g (7 IBU) — Warrior 15% — Boil — 60 min

20 g (4 IBU) — Centennial 10% — Aroma — 20 min hopstand @ 85 °C

20 g (2 IBU) — Centennial 10% — Aroma — 20 min hopstand @ 78 °C

20 g (5 IBU) — Citra 12% — Aroma — 20 min hopstand @ 85 °C

20 g (3 IBU) — Citra 12% — Aroma — 20 min hopstand @ 78 °C

20 g (5 IBU) — Idaho #7 13.4% — Aroma — 20 min hopstand @ 85 °C

20 g (3 IBU) — Idaho #7 13.4% — Aroma — 20 min hopstand @ 78 °C

30 g — Centennial 10% — Dry Hop — day 1

30 g — Citra 12% — Dry Hop — day 1

30 g — Idaho #7 13.4% — Dry Hop — day 1

30 g — Centennial 10% — Dry Hop — day 7

30 g — Citra 12% — Dry Hop — day 7

30 g — Idaho #7 13.4% — Dry Hop — day 7

Hopstand at 81.5 °C

Whirlpool/Hopstand Time: 20 min


0.5 g — Baking Soda (NaHCO3) — Mash

9.8 g — Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) — Mash

3.4 g — Epsom Salt (MgSO4) — Mash

3.4 g — Gypsum (CaSO4) — Mash


1 pkg — Lallemand (LalBrew) Verdant IPA 77%


Primary — 20 °C — 14 days

Carbonation: 2.4 CO2-vol

Water Profile

100 Ca2+
 10 Mg2+
 4 Na+
 140 Cl-
 93 SO42-
 8 HCO3- 

25L batch size to account for hop absorption/loss.
Final volume ~23L


This beer turned out beautifully. Although some of the beers did not carbonate properly, the ones that did turned out excellent. The hop taste and aroma was strong, with lots of tropical fruit and citrus notes. The beer had a slight maltiness and sweetness, which balanced well with the hops and slight sweetness/nuttiness from the golden oat malt. The use of ascorbic acid and sodium metabisulfite definitely helped minimise oxidation during the bottling process, as well as purging each bottle with cO2.

Beer result

See also