Beers & Goals of 2023

2022 was a good year for brewing - I definitely got back into the swing of things and was able to brew a lot more beer than in 2021. While there was some dud beers (mostly due to oxidation..), the beers in general definitely improved in quality. I recognised that I branched out in styles as well, experimenting with different spices and yeasts. Of these, the Beglian White Ale (Witbier), Aussie Sparkling Ale and Mango Lassi sour were 3 notable beers that involved new ways of brewing with spices and different hop varietals. [Read More]

Ballistic Hawaiian Haze Clone (DDH Pale Ale)

For my next clone, I’m going to attempt to replicate Ballistic Brewing’s “Hawaiian Haze” DDH Pale Ale. The tasting notes for this beer have been descriped as juicy, pineapple, hoppy and citric. It’s light in colour with a solid haze. The hops used were Citra, Rakau, Pacifica and Mosaic. The malts are pale malt, rolled/flaked oats and rolled/flaked wheat. It has medium bitterness with 30 IBUs and an ABV of 4. [Read More]