Beers & Goals of 2023

2022 was a good year for brewing - I definitely got back into the swing of things and was able to brew a lot more beer than in 2021. While there was some dud beers (mostly due to oxidation..), the beers in general definitely improved in quality. I recognised that I branched out in styles as well, experimenting with different spices and yeasts. Of these, the Beglian White Ale (Witbier), Aussie Sparkling Ale and Mango Lassi sour were 3 notable beers that involved new ways of brewing with spices and different hop varietals. [Read More]

Raspberry Saison

Grain Bill -Base is pilsner, Vienna and Wheat malt to add body, head and character with a slight maltiness from the Vienna. Acidulated malt to lower mash pH. Hops -Bittering hops to give approximately 30 IBUs and add spicy and fruity notes. -Kent Goldings, Saaz, or Willamette to add mild floral/herbal notes without overpowering the fruit. Water Chemistry Calcium: 50 Magnesium: 5 Sodium: 20 Chloride: 30 Sulfate: 100 -Higher sulfates will give aid in drying out the beer and accentuating the hops/fruit. [Read More]