Vanilla Milk Chocolate Stout

It’s been a few years since I’ve done a stout, and winters coming up, so I thought I’d give it another crack. The last stout I made was a coffee chocolate stout, which used cold-brew coffee and cacao nibs soaked in congac. It was pretty good, but I wanted to do something different this time. I’ll be keeping a similar grain bill and hops (Fuggles), but I’ll be adding lactose to round out the bitterness, and I’ll also be adding cacao nibs and 2 vanilla beans. [Read More]

Beers & Goals of 2023

2022 was a good year for brewing - I definitely got back into the swing of things and was able to brew a lot more beer than in 2021. While there was some dud beers (mostly due to oxidation..), the beers in general definitely improved in quality. I recognised that I branched out in styles as well, experimenting with different spices and yeasts. Of these, the Beglian White Ale (Witbier), Aussie Sparkling Ale and Mango Lassi sour were 3 notable beers that involved new ways of brewing with spices and different hop varietals. [Read More]

Dwarven Stout

Chocolate Coffee Stout

Designing the Recipe This time around, i’m going to be partly designing my own recipe for a coffee stout. This stout is basically going to follow these guidelines: -ABV between 5% and 7%. -Grain bill of 80% base malt + remaining specialty grains. -Between 30 and 40 IBUs from bittering additions of hops, with some at the end of the boil. -An Ale yeast with an attenuation of approximately 75% (Us-04/05 or wyeast 1056 American Ale) [Read More]